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Planning & Zoning 

Mission Statement

The Planning and Zoning Commission is to promote commerce and neighborhood preservation through orderly review, study, and consideration of zoning issues relative to state and local laws; consider zoning requests and make recommendations to the City Council; and review all zoning categories and allowed uses, making recommendations as needed. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall act as an advisory board to the City Council on planning and zoning matters.

Meeting Schedule

The Planning and Zoning Commission meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m.Any meeting date changes or cancellations will be posted.


The City of Grace issues setting permits. Please inquire at City Hall about construction that requires a permit and the permitting process.

Meeting Minutes





  •  -Chairman

  • Larry Thomas-Co-Chairman

  • Lee Wilkerson-Member

  • Karen Kladis-Member

  • Sherry McCurdy-Member

  • LoyRaye Phillips-Clerk

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